
Arrow DragonConnect


The dashboard is a set of static HTML and JavaScript that use the DragonConnect API to display the audio events and manage the LED.


The URL of the DragonConnect API will be of the form


The rest-api-id may be discovered using the following the following command (remember to use a backtick (`) surrounding the string DragonConnect)

$ aws apigateway get-rest-apis \
--query 'items[?name.contains(@, `DragonConnect`)].id' \
--output text

With this information, configure the DragonConnect UI client by setting the DB_API variable in the file ui/content/js/config.js (be sure to set the stage to the same value used in the DragonConnect Api configuration

var DB_API='';

Once the configuration has set, an Amazon s3 bucket may be used to host the client. The bucket name must adhere to the Bucket Restrictions and Limitations. This includes using lowercase names only. The bucket should have a unique name so consider appending your user name to the dragonconnect string


Create the bucket using the following command

$ aws s3 mb s3://dragonconnect-${identifier}

Copy the DragonConnect UI client to the bucket by issuing the following command

$ cd ui/content
$ aws s3 cp --recursive . s3://dragonconnect-${identifier}

The bucket must now be configured to accept web requests. This is a two-step process that first involves setting a bucket policy. Edit the ui/policy/bucket-policy.json file and update the ARN to use the bucket name


Once the bucket name has been set, configure the bucket policy using the following command

$ cd ui/policy
$ aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket dragonconnect-${identifier} \
--policy file://bucket-policy.json

Finally, enable web requests on the bucket by setting the index document

$ aws s3 website s3://dragonconnect-${identifier} \
--index-document index.html

The DragonConnect dashboard should now be ready to use.


The following command will delete the s3 bucket used for the DragonConnect UI

$ aws s3 rm -r s3://dragonconnect-${identifier}
