
Arrow DragonConnect


The general elements, IAM and IoT policies, API, and dashboard of the DragonConnect example should have been configured.

One of the final steps is to create a thing and an associated principal (certificate) and attach the principal to the DragonConnect IoT policy. The things.js script in the admin module will perform these actions.

This documentation assumes that the prerequisites for the admin module have been satisfied earlier through the configuration of the Foundation.


The DragonConnect client uses the machine identifier as the thingId. The following command will store the machine identifier in the THING_ID environment variable and then create the thing

$ cd admin
$ export THING_ID=$(cat /etc/machine-id)
$ node lib/things.js create ${THING_ID}

DragonConnect Client Application

The DragonConnect client application requires the generated certificates to establish a secure connection to the MQTT server. The certificate of the thing with identifier of ${THING_ID} will be stored in the location specified in the General Configuration. The instructions below assume the use of the default location. Copy the private key and public certificate to the certs directory

$ cd DragonBoard/certs
$ cp ~/arrow/registry/${THING_ID}/aws.{key,crt} .


The things.js script will also delete a thing. This involves detaching the DragonConnect IoT policy, deactivating associated certificate, deleting the certificate, and, finally, deleting the thing

$ cd admin
$ node lib/things.js delete $(cat /etc/machine-id)
