
Arrow DragonConnect

Visit the Dashboard

Following the previous steps should have the client sending data to Amazon Web Services and the dashboard displaying those data. The dashboard will be available at


where the identifier was defined when the Dashboard was created.

Visiting the dashboard should display an image similar to

DragonConnect Dashboard

Volume Change Log

The Volume Change Log will display representations of the volume up or volume down button being pressed. When the volume up button is pressed an image similar to the following is displayed

Volume Up Button

When the volume down button is pressed an image similar to the following is displayed

Volume Down Button

LED Management

The state of the LED may be managed through the dashboard by selecting the appropriate state. The state of the LED is reflected through the icon.

Active LED

If the LED is active, the icon will look similar to

LED Active

When the LED is active, the web site will allow you to inactive the LED by pressing the "OFF" button.

Inactive LED

If the LED is inactive, the icon will look similar to

LED Inactive

When the LED is inactive, the web site will allow you to activate the LED by pressing the "ON" button.
